Metal-munching microbes help circulate the rare, toxic element tellurium in the environment

Technology influences the elements that we use and are part of our environment. When new technology makes an impact, new ways of thinking about things happen.

which leaches from old pipes and other sources, is a toxic metal that should be avoided. It's possible for the contamination to reach water sources

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We went to an abandoned gold mine in Mexico, where we discovered how the microbes there are moving this elusive element through the environment

the main claim to fame of the silvery substance was that it makes you smell like garlic if you touch it. Tellurium is typically found in gold deposits

During the past 15 years, we've discovered that gold is  mobile in the environment and it's well-known for its long-term durability

The gold-bearing minerals that can be dissolved in water are toxic. The minerals on the surface of a grain of gold create a unique environment

Microbes  move tellurium from soil to plants and animals in the atmosphere.   they are giving us information about what would happen if humans dumped toxic materials

Scientists have found the first evidence of tellurium in nature, and they believe it is moving towards less valuable ores as the supply gets better.

The effect of airborne fine particles and the effect of aerosolized particulates. The tellurium particles we found were very similar to gold particles that have  been found on gold grains

Tellurium metal oxidizes quickly when exposed to air, forming toxic and  soluble compounds. There isn't a physical transportation of tellurium in the form of metal.

Tellurium's movement is limited by the reactions with common minerals in the soil. The rare-earth element telluride  is the world's first successful solid-state battery

the material has been in the soil for a long time since this was away from the known areas of metal mining.  microbes are helping to cycle this rare element through the environment

Reducing our reliance on resources and avoiding environmental damage. The gold is separated from the tellurium in the soils around Moctezuma by the microbes

Cleaning up mine product processing to separate all potential commodity elements is just one of the many ways to do this.

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