Second Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of FSc First-Year Chemistry
Second chapter solved MCQs with explanation (Experimental Techniques in chemistry) 1: A filtration process could be very time consuming if it were not aided by a gentle suction which is developed: a) If the paper covers the funnel up to its circumference. B) If the paper has got small-sized pores in it. c) If the…
Second Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry
First chapter Solved Exercise MCQs of 2nd-year chemistry 1: Which one of the following does not belong to alkaline earth metals? a) Be b) Ra c) Ba d) Rn Explanation Rn does not belong to alkaline earth metals. It is a noble gas and is radioactive. First Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry…
First Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry
First chapter Solved Exercise MCQs of 2nd-year chemistry 1: keeping in view the size of atoms which order is the correct one Mg > Sr Ba > Mg Lu > Ce Cl > I Explanation The correct answer is b Because the sizes of atoms increase down the group and decrease along a period from…
FSC 1st year chemistry 8th chapter MCQs-chemical equilibrium MCQs
Chapter 8: Chemical equilibrium In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the eighth chapter ( Chemical equilibrium ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been represented as bold. Note: In this blog post following ↔ sign represents the reversible reaction Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 2nd chapter…
First Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of FSc First Year Chemistry
First chapter solved MCQs with explanation 1: Isotopes differ in a) Properties that depends upon mass b) Arrangement of electrons in orbitals c) Chemical properties d) The extent to which they may be affected in the electromagnetic field Explanation a is the correct answer Because by definition the isotopes differ in the number of neutrons…
Limiting reactant- Examples, Problems & method to find limiting reactant
LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained what is a limiting reactant, definition, examples and method to find a limiting reactant in during a chemical reaction. Limiting reactant Definition In a chemical reaction, the limiting reactant is the reactant that is completely consumed when the reaction is complete. Watch the video lecture to better understand…
FSC 1st year chemistry 7th chapter MCQs
Chapter 7: Thermochemistry In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the seventh chapter( Thermochemistry ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been represented as bold. Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 3rd chapter MCQs Chapter 7 thermochemistry 1: The internal energy…
FSC 1st year chemistry 6th chapter MCQs
Chapter 6: Chemical bonding In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the sixth chapter( Chemical bonding ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been represented as bold. Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 3rd chapter MCQs 1. The bond between two…
Vapor pressure, factors affecting and dynamic equilibrium
LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained what is vapor pressure, dynamic equilibrium between liquid and vapors, factors affecting the vapor pressure with some important examples for better understanding. Vapour pressure The pressure exerted by the vapors in equilibrium with the liquid at a given temperature is called vapor pressure. Liquid molecules after evaporation are…
FSC 1st year chemistry 5th chapter MCQs
Chapter 5: Atomic structure In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the fifth chapter( Atomic structure ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been highlighted in blue color. Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 3rd chapter MCQs Related: FSC…