Do you want to take jee main and Advanced exams in 2022? Well, you are in the right place as this blog post will cover how to prepare chemistry for IIT-jee.
Chemistry is very important for a good score in IIT JEE. Chemistry is the most scoring subject in the JEE Main and JEE Advanced papers. It can significantly boost your JEE rank. As a JEE aspirant, you should know how to study Chemistry in the right way.
In this blog post, we will tell you how to study chemistry for the JEE Mains and Advanced.

Chemistry can be studied in different ways. There are many tricks and tips that can help you score well in this subject. Here are the 30 best tips for chemistry preparation for IIT JEE.
Related: How to prepare Chemistry For Neet, MDcat exams
1. Make a study schedule and stick to it: A good way to prepare for Chemistry is to make a study schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover
30 Tips on how to prepare chemistry for jee main and jee advanced exam
1. Start with the basics. Make sure you understand the concepts covered in JEE Chemistry syllabus well. Do not move on to more complex topics until you have a clear understanding of the basics.
2. Take plenty of practice tests and quizzes. This will help you identify your areas of weakness and work on them accordingly.
3. Make use of online resources such as video lectures and revision notes to supplement your learning.
4. Pay attention to detail and try to solve as many problems as possible. This will help you develop a better understanding of the concepts and improve your problem-solving skills.
5. Stay organized and keep track of all the topics that you have studied and those that still remain. Use a notebook or an excel sheet for this purpose or you can also use an app that has been specially designed to help with IIT JEE preparation.
6. Refrain from using notes and textbooks available in the market. They may be low-quality and not up-to-date, which may prove detrimental to your preparation. It is better to go through JEE Advanced question papers if you want to make notes.
7. Focus on learning new concepts rather than mugging them up. Try finding multiple ways of solving a given problem rather than just copying the solution from someone else’s notes or textbook without understanding it well. This will help you develop independent thinking skills that are when facing tough questions in competitive exams.
8. Take regular breaks and allow your mind to rest. Too much studying can actually lead to a loss of focus and make it difficult to learn new concepts.
9. Make use of online resources such as forums and groups where you can discuss problems with your peers and get help from experts.
10. Get plenty of sleep and exercise; both are essential for optimal performance during exams.
11. Stay positive and motivated. Believe in yourself and your ability to crack the JEE Advanced exam.
12. Practice meditation or yoga as they help improve concentration levels and focus.
13. Avoid cramming towards the end and try to revise the topics that you have already studied at least twice before attempting the JEE Advanced exam.
14. Do not hesitate to ask for help from your teachers or seniors if you are stuck on a topic.
15. Make use of online resources such as mock tests, practice papers, and discussion forums to get an idea of the type of questions that are likely to be asked in the exam.
16. Attempt more number problems from different books instead of sticking to a single book. This will help you develop a better understanding of various concepts.
17. Take care of your health and do not skip meals or stay up late studying. A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind that can focus on studies without any distractions.
18. Practice solving questions under time constraints so that you are well prepared for the JEE Advanced exam.
19. Start preparing at least 6 months in advance so that you have enough time to go through all the topics and develop a good understanding of them.
20. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep every day while studying for IIT JEE advanced. It’s also crucial to take breaks between study sessions, so your mind can absorb what you’ve just learned before moving on.
21. Develop your own study plan that includes topics, schedules, and time allocations for each topic to avoid any confusion while revising for the exams.
22. Take plenty of practice tests and mock tests to assess your level of preparation. Make the necessary changes in your study plan after considering the areas where you are lacking behind or falling short on expectations.
23. Schedule your revision well in advance so that there is enough time to revise all the topics at least twice before appearing for JEE Advanced exam 2019. It is also important to allocate slots for taking mock tests, solving question papers, and discussing them with experts or seniors who have already appeared for this exam earlier so that you get an idea about how much time a particular section can take.
24. Make a list of topics that you are comfortable with and those that need more attention. Devote more time to the topics which you find difficult instead of spending equal time on all the topics.
25. Avoid studying at night as it can disrupt your sleep cycle and hamper your concentration levels the next day. Studying during the day is always better so that you can get enough rest at night.
26. Try working on group projects along with your classmates as it will help you learn new concepts better and also develop teamwork skills.
27. JEE Advanced syllabus is quite vast, so you should focus on studying only those topics that are mentioned in the syllabus and not waste time on irrelevant topics.
28. Join coaching classes and seek help from experts if you are finding it difficult to cover the entire syllabus on your own.
29. Make use of online resources such as videos, articles and solved question papers to get a better understanding of the concepts.
30. Stay calm and positive during the preparation phase and believe in your ability to crack the JEE Advanced exam with flying colors! All the best!
By following all the tips for chemistry preparation for jee main and jee advance exam, you can score good marks.