If you have inhaled acid fumes, you should get into the fresh air straight away. Open doors and windows wide. If you are with someone who has inhaled acid fumes, seek medical attention immediately. If they have collapsed, call the emergency contact number for an ambulance and start resuscitation. Tell the operator what the poison was.
Fumes of sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids are emitted when these substances dissolve in water. But the fumes may also be released when the acids are burned or mixed with other chemicals. Exposure to these fumes can cause severe respiratory problems or even death. Seek immediate medical attention for anyone who has inhaled acid fumes.
Acid fumes can cause serious burns to your airways, skin, and eyes. Inhalation can also make your nose and throat sore or swollen. Therefore as a chemistry student, you must follow safety precautions while working in the laboratory. you need to If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
What should you do if you inhale acid fumes?

1: Take a deep breath and hold it in for as long as you can
2: Call an ambulance or take yourself to the emergency room
3: If you are inside, leave the building immediately without blocking doors or windows
4: Do not go back into the affected area until emergency personnel has told you it is safe to do so. Only trained personnel should attempt to neutralize acid fumes with an alkaline substance such as lime or baking soda. Do not use ammonia.
5: Take off any contaminated clothing carefully because the acid will be absorbed by your clothes and could cause damage to your skin underneath them. Place your clothing in a plastic bag, seal it tightly, then place it inside another plastic bag and seal it tightly.
6: Rinse any acid that may have come into contact with your skin with plenty of cool water for at least 10 minutes.
7: If your eyes have been affected, irrigate them with copious amounts of saline or water for at least 15 minutes
8: Drink plenty of fluids to dilute the acid and help flush it from your system
9: Take over-the-counter pain relief if necessary
10: Get medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you don’t feel any pain, you may have sustained some injuries that need to be treated.
Acid fumes can cause serious injury or death, so it is important to know what to do if you are exposed to them.