10 Fascinating Examples of Condensation You Need to See to Believe

Written by Adeel Abbas

Condensation is a natural process that occurs when a gas or vapor transitions into a liquid state.

We often see this happen in nature, from dew forming on the grass in the morning to fogged car windows.

In this article, we will explore ten examples of condensation and how they occur.

Also read: Difference between Evaporation and Condensation

What are examples of condensation?

Here are the ten examples of condensation.

1. Dew on the grass

Dew is a perfect example of condensation that is formed when water vapor in the air condenses on cool surfaces such as grass, leaves, and flowers. This is a common occurrence in the morning and can be seen as droplets on these surfaces.

2. Cloud formation

Cloud formation is also an example of a condensation phenomenon. Clouds are formed when water vapor in the air condenses on tiny particles such as dust or pollen. This causes the water vapor to form droplets and become visible as clouds in the sky.

3. Fog

Fog is an unpleasant example of condensation. Fog is a type of cloud that forms near the ground when the air is cool and moist. It occurs when water vapor condenses on cool surfaces such as the ground or buildings.

4. Rain

Another important example of condensation is rain. It rains when water droplets in clouds combine and become heavy enough to fall to the ground. This occurs when the water vapor in the air has condensed into droplets and then combined into larger droplets.

5. Steam on a mirror

Steam is a very common example of condensation that all of us observe in daily life. When hot water is used in a bathroom, the steam from the water can condense on cool surfaces such as mirrors. This creates a layer of water droplets on the surface.

6. Condensation on a cold drink

One of the interesting condensation examples is moist on clod drink bottles. When a cold drink is taken out of the refrigerator or cooler, it can cause the surrounding air to cool and the water vapor in the air to condense on the surface of the drink.

7. Fogged car windows

When the temperature inside a car is warmer than the outside air, the water vapor in the air can condense on the cool windows. This creates a layer of water droplets on the windows that is condensation.

8. Condensation in air conditioning units

Air conditioning units cool the air by removing moisture from the air. This moisture is then condensed and collected in a tray or discharged outside the building.

9. Steam from a kettle

When water is heated in a kettle, the steam that is produced is actually water vapor that has condensed and then evaporated again due to the heat.

10. Breathing on a cold day

When warm, moist air from the lungs is exhaled on a cold day, it can condense into visible water droplets in the air. This is what we commonly refer to as “seeing your breath.”