Stars have much more time to form planets-Recent research claims

An international team of scientists has discovered planet formation in a star system younger than 500,000 years old. The find, published today in Nature, is a marked departure from previously accepted theories of planet formation and indicates that stars and planets grow up together like siblings. The disk lifetime based on a survey of nearby young … Read more

is hydrogen flammable?

Hydrogen can easily explode even at low concentrations. Hydrogen is very toxic. It is very reactive when mixed with oxygen.  Hydrogen is highly flammable and flammable in nature. This property can be easily seen if you ignite hydrogen with a spark. So, this is why it is highly dangerous. In order to prevent fire, it … Read more

Are alkali metals reactive? Experts answer

The alkali metals, found in group 1 of the periodic table, are very reactive metals that do not occur freely. The outer shell of these metals has only one electron. They are prepared to lose that electron in ionic bonding. Among the most reactive metals are Alkali metals. It’s due to their larger atomic radii … Read more

is hydrogen an alkali metal?

A metal with a water-soluble base is known as an alkali metal. The oxide mineral of an element is referred to as “earth”. An alkali earth metals means a metal that has the same oxide content as an alkali. The hydroxide of the metal should be behaving like an alkali if it has alkali properties. … Read more

How do you learn chemistry on your own?

image of learn chemistry on your own

Written by Adeel Abbas You want to become a great chemist. You want to have a career as a chemist. You want to master chemistry has to offer. You simply cannot afford to spend $5000 to get a chemistry degree. You don’t have the time or the patience to memorize a 300-page textbook. Watch the video … Read more

Acid base titration-Working principle, Process, types and indicators

Learning objectives In this article, the author has explained Acid base titration, its working principle types and process of acid base titration Acid-base reactions are used to find the amount of acidic or basic substances. The solution with unknown molarity is the analyte. The analyte will react with the solution with known molarity. First lets start with … Read more

Importance of Lab Coat in Chemistry Laboratory

When you hear the term “chemistry lab” then the first thing that strikes your mind is how will you get access to this chemical world. Well, this is the most important thing which you have to understand. It has become a necessity for students who are studying chemistry and you will need to wear a … Read more

Why do you never work alone in a chemical laboratory?

The answer is obvious, no matter how much effort you make, if you are alone you cannot get a good output. When you are working alone in the laboratory then you are always worried about any change in the chemicals. There are two types of people who work in the lab, one is an individual … Read more

What are precautions during titration process in lab?

Titration is the process of dilution of chemicals used in a laboratory. It is also known as titration or titrimetry. The process of titration can be done by various means of liquids, gases, solids, etc. There are certain procedures that need to be taken care of while performing the titration process and these are as … Read more