Bunsen Burner: Definition, Parts, Types and Uses

Written By Adeel Abbas Bunsen Burner is a laboratory device that is widely used in scientific research, teaching, and experimentation. It is a simple gas burner that produces a hot, blue flame that is perfect for heating, sterilizing, and combustion purposes. Bunsen Burner Definition The Bunsen Burner is a laboratory device used to produce a … Read more

Graduated Cylinder: Definition, Types, Sizes, Uses

Written By Adeel Abbas Definition of Graduated Cylinder A graduated cylinder is a piece of laboratory glassware used to measure the volume of liquids. It consists of a cylindrical tube with a narrow, vertical scale marked on the outside, allowing the user to read the volume of the liquid with a high degree of accuracy. … Read more

Beakers in Lab, types, size, uses

Written By Adeel Abbas Beakers are an essential laboratory tool that are used to hold and measure liquids. They are cylindrical in shape with a flat bottom, and are available in various sizes and materials. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of beakers, their functions, chemistry, uses, and frequently asked questions. Types of … Read more

Pipettes-Types, principle, working and uses

Written By Adeel Abbas Pipettes are essential tools in a laboratory setting that are used to measure and transfer small volumes of liquids. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of pipettes, their chemistry, accuracy, important parts, and various uses. Pipette Definition A pipette is a laboratory tool that is used to measure and … Read more

Thermometer in Lab- principle, working, types

Written By Adeel Abbas Thermometer Definition A thermometer is a device used for measuring temperature. It typically consists of a temperature sensor, which could be a liquid or gas, and a scale for displaying the temperature reading. Principle of Thermometer Thermometers work based on the principle that certain materials expand or contract with temperature changes. … Read more

Hot Plate-Principle, working, types, uses

Written by Adeel Abbas Hot Plate Definition A hot plate is a laboratory device used to heat and maintain the temperature of a sample. It typically consists of a flat metal plate that is heated by an electrical coil or other heat source. Hot plate is used as advance Lab research tool in research labs … Read more

Column Chromatography-Principle, Types, Applications

Written By Adeel Abbas Column chromatography is a widely used technique of chromatography in chemistry to separate and purify a mixture of chemical compounds. Mostly it is used in natural product isolation. I also used this technique during my research on Boerhavia Procumbens. The goal of this technique is to isolate each component in a … Read more

Gas chromatography-intro, principle, working, applications

image showing gas chromatography diagram

Written By Adeel Abbas Gas Chromatography (GC) is a powerful analytical technique used to separate and identify individual components in a mixture of gases or volatile liquids. The technique of chromatography is widely used in a variety of fields, including chemistry, environmental science, and forensic science. Gas chromatography is a method of separation in which … Read more

What are Meta Directing groups?

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Written By Adeel Abbas Definition Those groups that direct incoming groups to meta position are called meta-directing groups. We can also define it as “Electron withdrawing groups in the aromatic ring are called meta-directing groups.” For better understanding also read my article on ortho-para directing groups. Examples of Meta directing groups Some of the important … Read more