Many people love beer, but they hate the bitter taste of hops in beer. Learn about the history of beer to discover if it’s right for you or not.
The best hoppy beer is especially good for your liver and even has a name: “Hop Venom.

The ACS Chemical Neuroscience study shows that hop-derived flavonoids may prevent clumps of amyloid beta proteins from forming in cells, a finding that suggests a possible therapeutic approach for treating Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease, marked by memory loss and personality changes in older adults.
The challenge of predicting the onset of symptoms, especially for asymptomatic people, is substantial.
A symptom of this disease is when you realize that you’re developing a problem with your nervous system but don’t know that it has already begun.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people with mental illness. To prevent or treat these illnesses, you should first identify which treatments have the greatest chance of helping.
One strategy to achieve optimal health is called “nutraceuticals.” They’re foods that can help with good nutrition and offer some type of medicinal benefit.
One of these potentially beneficial compounds in hops is alpha-humulene, a compound that’s also found in hops and in other herbs and foods such as black pepper. Hop alpha-humulene might help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
So, Alessandro, Cristina, and colleagues wanted to investigate what chemicals in hops have this effect.
Researchers identified compounds in four common types of hops using a method similar to the brewing process, resulting in a wide variety of beer flavor-enhancing hops.
In tests, they found that the extracts had antioxidant properties and prevented the accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in human nerve cells.
The most effective extract was from the Tettnang hop, which is used in many types of beers, and lighter ales.
One of the compounds in the extract showed the most potent antibiotic and aggregation-inhibiting activity.
The keto diet has been around for many years and is considered to be the best diet to promote longevity in the long term.
For the first time, researchers have shown that tea extracts could slow down Alzheimer’s progression in C. Elegans nematodes. Their results were only modest, but still encouraging and warrant further study.
Hop compounds may be a potential basis for nutraceuticals that can treat Alzheimer’s disease.
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