Which area of science is considered the central science?

Science is a central science because its findings are used by many other sciences to advance and develop those sciences. Which area of Science is considered Central Science? It is a big question that has been asked by many people who are interested in which area of science they will be studying and that’s why … Read more

What is central science?

Central science definition Central science is about the big picture. It’s a term used by scientists to describe the core ideas of what they are doing, what their research should aim to find out and how it should be used in order to make our lives better. Scientists spend most of their time working on … Read more

How to find electrical conductivity of elements?

Written by Adeel Abbas Electrical conductivity depends on the nature of the material. The higher the electrical conductivity the greater the number of ions (charged particles) in the substance. Ions in a metal are usually the most electrically conductive because they are bound to the metal atoms, and not as mobile as those in a … Read more

What are Electrical Conductors?

Electricity is everywhere around us, so when we talk about electricity, we always see wires and cables connecting to different devices. Electrical conduction is the flow of energy in the form of an electric current which is used to power up electronic devices and transmit information. Nowadays electricity is being used in many fields such … Read more

Separating funnel-Working principle and uses

What is a Separating Funnel? A separating funnel is a tool that is used in chemistry and other sciences to separate a mixture of two liquids into two separated parts. It is used to separate different substances or materials that are mixed together. Separatory funnel is one of the most important chemistry apparatus for the … Read more

Why chemistry is called the central science?

Written by Adeel Abbas what is central science? Central science involves looking for answers to questions about human nature, society, politics and economics, and the place of each of us in the world. The three basic questions that have driven the research of Central Science are: •What is man? •What are the limits of human freedom? … Read more

What are chemicals used to preserve bodies in ancient egypt?

Written by Adeel Abbas Ancient Egyptians used embalming fluids called natron and natron mud to preserve their bodies. But modern science has now discovered that using chemicals for preservation is a very bad idea because the chemicals themselves cause decay and decomposition of the body. This means that in the long run, they do more harm … Read more

What jobs deal with chemistry?

Written by Adeel Abbas Chemistry deals with everything related to chemistry. There are several different types of jobs related to this field, including those in the following areas: 1. Research & Development Research and development jobs are ideal for those who are interested in discovering new ways to create products and services. They may work for … Read more

Chemical Spill Response Procedure – Steps To Be Done Immediately

In this article, the author has explained chemical spill response procedures in different chemical work places. A chemical spill is one of the common problems that most people face in their daily life. These chemicals are present in our homes, office, and many places but we don’t take much care to avoid these harmful chemicals. You can’t … Read more