Why is it important to know the metal reactivity?

There are several reasons why we need to know the reactivity of the metals.

1. Understanding the reaction mechanism

By understanding the reaction mechanism of the metals, we will be able to understand the chemical changes and what happens inside the reaction.

2. Understanding the oxidation mechanism

Oxidation is the process of removing electrons and gaining oxygen. In the process of oxidation, the metals will lose electrons and form a negative ion.

3. Understanding the precipitation mechanism

As we have seen in our earlier post, precipitation is a process of forming a solid from a solution. If a metal reacts with a mineral that is present in the water, then the reaction will produce a solid and the metal will be left behind as an ionic impurity.

4. Understanding the corrosion mechanisms

Corrosion is a process of oxidization of metals, which leads to the degradation of the metal. A metal that is reactive is also a metal that is prone to corrosion.

5. Understanding the catalytic mechanism

Catalysts are the substances that will accelerate the chemical reaction rate. Metals that are used as catalyst will accelerate the chemical reaction.

6. Understanding the properties of the metals

There are many properties of metals that are associated with it. Some of them are: Conductivity, density, melting point, melting point depression, corrosion resistance and many more.

So, now you know all the six benefits of the metals. I hope that you will use this knowledge to know more about the reactive metals and the chemistry behind them.