Uses of titration in industries

Titration is an important parameter of the real world, but in fact, not many people understand what it means. Importance of titration in chemistry and daily life cannot be ignored. Titration is the technique used by chemists and physicists to find a definite amount of chemicals used to produce the desired result. Titration is a … Read more

Why is titration important in chemistry? Themasterchemistry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained why titration is important in chemistry? When you are in school and you are studying chemistry, there will be many questions in your mind like what is the basic definition of titration? Why is titration important in chemistry? So, if you are a high school student and wondering about … Read more

Conical Flask in chemistry-Working principle uses |Erlenmeyer Flask

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained what is conical flask or Erlenmeyer flask along with its working principle and uses in chemistry laboratory. What is Conical flask? According to Wikipedia, a conical flask is a glass or plastic vessel with a tapering bottom to facilitate the addition and removal of a sample. It is used … Read more

How is distribution law modified by change in Molecular state?

Learning objectives In this article, the author has explained How is distribution law modified by change in Molecular state Relation between distribution law and change in molecular state It was pointed out by Nernst that C1/C2 is constant only if the solute exists as simple molecules in the two solvents. If the solute undergoes association or dissociation … Read more

Ionic bond-Definition, Properties, Conditions-Factors, and Examples

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained ionic bonding, conditions favorable for the formation of ionic bond, and factors affecting ionic bond formation. The author has also explained the properties of ionic compounds and examples of ionic compounds. Definition The bond formed by the complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another … Read more

Introduction to Chemical bonding-Definition-Types-Examples

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has briefly explained the chemical bonding its types, and examples. The force present between two atoms that hold them together and make them stable is known as a chemical bond. Molecules of chemical substances are joined together by some force. This force is due to the interaction between … Read more

Introduction to Fluorine element-Discovery-Occurrence-Properties-Uses-Facts

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, author has explained the discovery, occurrence, properties, applications of fluorine. Here are also some facts about fluorine explained by author. Fluorine is the most reactive element. It is the lightest weight and small size member of the halogens. Fluorine is the toxic pale yellow diatomic gas. Due to high electronegativity, … Read more

Introduction to RNA (ribonucleic acid)-Structure-Types-Functions

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, author has explained the introduction, structure and functions of RNA. Author has also explained the different types of RNA. RNA is a polymer of ribonucleotides that are held together by 3´ 5´ phosphodiester bonds. It is a nucleic acid that helps in the synthesis of proteins. RNA is involved in … Read more

Introduction to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)-Structure-Characteristics of double helix-Functions-Replication

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, author has explained the introduction, structure and functions of DNA. author has also explained the characteristics of double helix structure of DNA and replication of DNA. Definition DNA is a nucleic acid that is a polymer of nucleotides and is responsible for the transmission of hereditary information from parent to … Read more

Introduction to Nucleotides-Definition-Structure-Functions

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, author has explained the structure of nucleotides, different types of nitrogenous bases and functions of nucleotides. Definition Nucleotides are organic compounds that make up nucleic acids. They are building blocks of DNA. Nucleotides are essential parts of DNA, RNA, and cell function and perform many functions based on their structure. … Read more