FSC 2nd year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs-S-Block elements Mcqs
Chapter 2: S-block elements In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the second chapter( S-block elements ) of FSC 2nd year chemistry. All the correct answers have been bold. 1: All of these can react with ice even at -100oC except Ca K Rb Cs 2: The pair of elements that have similar chemical properties is…
Water Pollution-Types, Causes, Effects and Solution
LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained what is water pollution, Types of water pollution, causes of water solution and solution of water pollution. Water is an essential for the life on earth. Water is essential part of every living organism. In order to maintain life every human being drinks several liters of water daily.…
Fourth Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry
Third Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry 1: Out of all the elements of group V-A, the highest ionization energy is possessed by N P Sb Bi Explanation As we know that ionization energy decreases down the group. Therefore, the highest ionization energy is shown by nitrogen because it is the first…
FSC 2nd year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs-Periodic classification of elements and periodicity Mcqs
Chapter 1: Periodic classification of elements and periodicity In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the first chapter( periodic classification of elements and periodicity ) of FSC 2nd year chemistry. All the correct answers have been bold. 1: Which of the following elements react with steam only? a) Na b) Mg c) K d)…
Third Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry
Third Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of Fsc Second Year Chemistry 1: Which metal is used in the thermite process because of its activity? Iron Copper Aluminum Zinc Explanation Aluminum is used in thermite process in powder form. Al powder becomes highly reactive for oxygen and removes the oxygen from the oxides of other metals. The…
Fourth Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of FSc First Year Chemistry
Fourth chapter liquids and solids solved Exercise MCQs with explanation 1: London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the? a) Molecules of water in liquid b) Atoms of helium in gaseous state at high temperature c) Molecules of solid iodine d) Molecules of hydrogen chloride gas Explanation London forces are more prominent among…
Seventh Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of FSc First Year Chemistry
Seventh chapter Thermochemistry solved Exercise MCQs with explanation 1: If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding air; Remains constant Increases Decreases Remains unchanged Explanation: In endothermic reaction, the heat is absorbed. This heat is taken by the system from surrounding, hence the temperature…
FSC 1st year chemistry 10th chapter MCQs-Electrochemistry Mcqs
Chapter 10: Electrochemistry In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the tenth chapter( Electrochemistry ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been bold. Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 1st chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry 3rd chapter MCQs Related: FSC 1st year chemistry…
Fifth Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of FSc First Year Chemistry
Fifth chapter solved MCQs with explanation 1: The nature of positive rays depends on: The nature of electrode The nature of discharge tube The nature of residual gas All of the above Explanation When high speed cathode rays strike the molecules of a gas enclosed in a discharge tube, they knock out the electrons from…
FSC 1st year chemistry 9th chapter MCQs-Solutions MCQs
Chapter 9 solutions In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the ninth chapter ( Solutions ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been represented as bold. 1: Which one of the following statements is false about osmotic pressure? a) It is the pressure of the hydrostatic column set up to osmosis. b) It…