FSC 1st year chemistry 11th chapter MCQs-Reactions kinetics Mcqs

Chapter 11: Reactions kinetics In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the eleventh chapter( Reactions Kinetics ) of FSC chemistry. All the correct answers have been bold. 1: The activation energy for a simple chemical reaction A –> P is E4 in forward direction. The activation energy for the reverse reaction a) Can be less … Read more

Physical Chemistry- History Scope And Uses

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained What is physical chemistry, history, scope, importance and uses of physical chemistry. What is physical chemistry? Physical chemistry is the study of energy and matter. It examines how these two elements interact with each other in various environments. In this blog post, we will explore what exactly constitutes … Read more

Inorganic Chemistry- History, Scope, And Applications

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained What is inorganic chemistry and different types of inorganic compounds. This blog post also discusses the scope and applications of the inorganic chemistry in daily life. What is inorganic chemistry? Inorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of inorganic substances. These are chemical … Read more

Organic Chemistry: Scope and Application

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained What is organic chemistry and different types of organic reactions. This blog post also discusses the scope and applications of the organic chemistry in daily life. What is organic chemistry? Organic chemistry is a branch of organic chemistry that deals with organic compounds. Organic molecules, in turn, are … Read more

Introduction to Biochemistry-Overview, Scope and Applications

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained What is biochemistry, history and its applications in everyday life. This post also explains how biochemistry affects our lives, and why should you study it as a subject. What is biochemistry? Bio chemistry is the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another. It deals with … Read more

Electronic Configuration Of Elements in Periodic Table-[Explained]

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained electronic configuration of elements in periodic table, Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion rule, Hund’s rule with electronic configuration of all elements of periodic table. The Electronic configuration of elements in the periodic table is a fundamental property of an element. Electronic configurations can vary based on the number of … Read more

FSC 2nd year chemistry 2nd chapter MCQs-S-Block elements Mcqs

Chapter 2: S-block elements In this article, the author has explained the most important chemistry MCQs from the second chapter( S-block elements ) of FSC 2nd year chemistry. All the correct answers have been bold. 1: All of these can react with ice even at -100oC except Ca K Rb Cs 2: The pair of elements that have similar chemical properties is … Read more

Water Pollution-Types, Causes, Effects and Solution

LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this article, the author has explained what is water pollution, Types of water pollution, causes of water solution and solution of water pollution. Water is an essential for the life on earth. Water is essential part of every living organism. In order to maintain life every human being drinks several liters of water daily. … Read more