Written by Adeel Abbas
Introduction to chemistry is all about explaining the definition, basic concepts in chemistry, and different branches of chemistry.
Definition of Chemistry
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Chemistry has been defined as the science responsible for the study of matter and the changes that take place in it. In particular, it studies both the composition of matter, its composition, and its properties. It also studies the role of molecules and ions.
It also studies energetic and internal changes that are more important than experiments. It is considered one of the basic sciences, but not because of its simplicity but because of its importance.

Introduction to Chemistry
Imagine yourself somewhere on the planet Earth and have a look around. Try to guess the chemistry relation with the things around you. Almost everything around you will be linked to chemistry.
This is because it is the largest branch of science.
There are different branches of science and the most important is chemistry. The word originates from a Latin variable, but its roots are really Arabic. It refers to terms such as luminosity, chemistry, or alchemy, although alchemy is a collection of very ancient proto-scientific methods that cover various types of modern science, such as astronomy, metaphysics, mysticism, and philosophy.
This is a basic discipline, because many other things like medicine, biology, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy and even biology are based on it. And because there are so many types of substances, chemistry is divided into many types. Which means that for every matter there is almost separate branch of chemistry.
We will also discuss these branches in a detailed way.
Branches of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
The branch of chemistry that deals with the study of compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen is called Organic chemistry. In a broader sense, it can also be defined the compounds contain Oxygen, Sulphur, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, along with carbon and hydrogen other than simple salts, carbides, carbonates and oxides are also called organic compounds.
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic refers to elements that do not have a life of their own. Therefore, it is about studying the compounds and reactions of substances other than carbon.
In this case we are talking about minerals, metals or ceramic materials. This type of chemistry has other applications such as fiber optics, concrete or electronic chips.
This branch of chemistry is all about studying the chemical basis of molecules. Biochemistry basically deals with both chemistry and Biology. In particular, it is the study of the chemical composition and properties of organisms (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, cell reactions and nucleic acids).
Biochemistry if further divided into three fields: structural chemistry, metabolism, and the chemistry of processes and substances.
Physical chemistry
Physical chemistry is all about dealing with different methods to study the structure of physics and the properties of matter. This sub-discipline is studied on the basis of the physical principles that govern the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other chemical systems.
Analytical chemistry
Such chemistry is devoted to the study of various compounds of nature, whether in their pure form or as a combined substance.
Analytical chemistry works for the identification and quantification of substances in different compounds. Analytical chemistry is further divided into qualitative analytical chemistry and quantitative analytical chemistry.
The branch of chemistry which deals with the series of reactions to convert the chemical energy into electrical energy is called Electrochemistry. These reactions are known as electrochemical reactions. According to the researchers future of global energy depends on the Electrochemistry.
The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of phenomena when a light interacts with some atoms and molecules is called photochemistry. It has very important role to play in maintain the production of food on the earth as it is linked with photosynthesis. The light may be sun rays or electromagnetic radiations.
Green Chemistry
Green chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the development of chemical processes and products that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances.
This branch deals with the synthesis of different nanomaterial in coopration with the traditional chemistry. Traditional chemistry methodologies are being used in order to synthesize and study nanoscopic objects in these areas.
The branch of chemistry that deals with the study of the chemistry of brain function is known as Neurochemistry. This branch deals with the different chemicals or enzymes and their effects on brain functions.
Industrial Chemistry
The branch of chemistry that utilizes chemistry to manufacture something on industrial scale is called Industrial chemistry. This branch also deals with the study of different methodologies used to convert a one material into another material by utilizing the following principles.
1: Heat transfer
2: Speed transfer
3: Mass transfer
4: Chemical transformation
Pharmaceutical chemistry
The branch of chemistry that deals with the drug development through the synthetic and nano chemistry and Natural product Chemistry is known as Pharmaceutical chemistry.
This usually start with the research and then involves following steps to develop a drug such as Analysis followed by detection and tuning of compounds (Both organic and inorganic compounds).
The branch of chemistry that deals with the conversion of different hydrocarbons into fuel and other useful chemicals is known as Petrochemistry. Petrochemistry also plays important role in polymer chemistry such as Synthetic plastic polymers. This branch also deals with the mechanisms used for extraction of chemicals from the fossil fuels.
Environmental Chemistry
This is a subcategory that studies the effects and effects of chemical components in the environment. The study covers the effects of both chemicals found in nature, as well as chemicals released into the environment.
Quantum chemistry
The branch of chemistry that deals with the quantum mechanics and field theory in chemical problems. This chemistry is of the theoretical kind, and describes the behavior of matter through the use of mathematics.
One of the uses of quantum chemistry is in the comprehensive study of atoms and molecules, namely their behavior, their properties, their chemical reactions and other aspects.
Theoretical chemistry
In this branch, physics is used to describe or predict various chemical phenomena. Theoretical chemistry consists primarily of the use of quantum chemistry, or rather, the application of quantum mechanics to chemical problems.
Computational Chemistry
In this branch, existing programs and methods in the world of computer science are used to solve chemical problems. Has been added to
Magnetic chemistry
Such chemistry is responsible for both synthesis and the study of the magnetic properties of substances. Research in this field is based on the discovery of new materials that have important magnetic properties or that combine magnetic and electrical or magnetic and optical properties.
Forensic Chemistry
This branch of chemistry deals with the chemicals used to trace the suspects. This branch of chemistry is utilized by the investigation departments in order to trace the criminal records by using different chemicals and chemical methods.
While talking about an introduction to chemistry, there are many other branches as well. These branches are also known as sub-branches such as Perfume chemistry, cosmetic chemistry, etc.
1. What are the 5 types of chemistry?
There are five main types of chemistry, each having different applications and uses. These are
1. Organic chemistry
2. Analytical chemistry
3. Physical chemistry
4. Inorganic chemistry
5. Biochemistry
2. What is the first topic in chemistry?
The first topic in chemistry is the periodic table, which is a table showing the atomic number, element name, and the number of protons and neutrons of all chemical elements in the universe. It was developed by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, and it is the most widely known table in science.
3. Is Introduction to chemistry hard?
No, introduction to chemistry is not difficult. The most important thing you need to remember is that chemistry is all about reactions, which means that you will be learning how to form bonds and break them. So, you should know the chemical properties of compounds and reactants, as well as the reaction mechanisms and products.
4. What are the basic terms of chemistry?
A chemist is a person who studies and applies chemistry, while a chemist’s assistant performs various tasks associated with chemical analysis and synthesis. The main terms of chemistry are chemical composition, chemical structure, chemical reactions, and chemical properties.
5. What are the 7 major branches of chemistry?
Chemistry has seven major branches: physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, and photochemistry. Each one of them involves studying chemicals in different forms, under different conditions, and for different purposes.
6. Why do we study chemistry?
Chemistry is a field that helps us understand the nature of matter. It teaches us about atoms, molecules, and the reactions between them. Understanding how these elements and compounds form, dissolve, change, or interact with each other, allows us to predict the future and explore the past.
7. What is chemistry in everyday life?
Chemistry in everyday life is a broad term that refers to the study of how things interact with one another, and the changes that happen during this process. It’s also a term that covers a wide variety of topics from the production of electricity to medical treatments.
8. How do you introduce chemistry to students?
To teach chemistry to kids, you can use a few different methods. One, you can use real experiments to demonstrate the concepts. Two, you can use interactive games to learn about the elements and the periodic table. Three, you can use digital simulations to understand the elements. And lastly, you can use chemistry apps and online courses to learn about the elements and chemistry in general.
9. Who is called a chemist?
A chemist is a scientist who specializes in chemistry, and who uses scientific methods and equipment to analyze, identify, and synthesize chemical compounds. They are often called chemists because their field requires them to work with chemicals and their related products.
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